About Us

DARMONEL Technologies and Consulting Plc focuses on technology consulting, ecommerce, technology development, training and education to stimulate sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in Ethiopia. Our aim is cultivating competent leaders who can lead the national innovation ecosystem, digital transformation agenda and next generation of the fourth Industrial revolution. DARMONEL provides assistance and follow-up to startups during their early stage of establishment and assist with commercialization through seed funding and linking the startups with the right local and international investors for further scaling-up.

DARMONEL has an ambition to take a leading role in linking the Norwegian business sector, start-up-ecosystem, innovative academic and research practices and public initiatives with the relevant and transparent projects to create a profound impact in Ethiopia. DARMONEL has strong collaborations and partnerships with academic institutions, business startup-ecosystems, private and public institutions as well as Embassies in Ethiopia and the Nordics.

We are a strong team with extensive experience and partners in business and technology consul tancy in Ethiopia and the Nordics. We have industry, tech and academic experience in incubating start-ups, IT outsourcing & BPO, mentoring business development, provide training on wide diverse areas, develop and implement projects in health care, education, data analytics, IOT solutions, IT & digitization, energy sector, and professional consultancy in technological design, development and implementation.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower young entrepreneurs and start-ups to thrive and succeed in a sustainable manner

Our Vision

To create a future with sustainable and inclusive digital economy led by dynamic and innovative young entrepreneurs.

To become a leading IT Outsourcing and Digital platform provider in Africa by 2035.


  • Promote partnership and collaboration
  • Create impact in a meaningful way
  • Embrace change in the dynamic world
  • Foster Integrity and Teamwork
  • Co-create and Innovate continuously
  • Engage with customers, partners, stakeholders, and employees


  • Assisting and providing follow-ups to innovative startups at their early stage
  • Contribute to the gig economy and youth emplyment by establishing IoT center of excellence
  • Cultivate leaders for the digital innovation and transformation
  • Commercializing and building local and international networking to innovative startups
  • Fosters technologically innovative startups
  • Promote gender sensitive social innovation that focuses on women innovators
  • Provide assistance and follow-up to innovative startups
  • Provide technology and industry consultancy
  • Contribute to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, and 17

Who We are?

Dr. Shegaw Anagaw

Ph.D. in Information Systems from UiO
Founder and Managing Director

Dr. Josef Noll

Ph.D. in Planar Antenna Reflectors from Ruhr University Bochum

Hallvard Moholdt IOT Solutions Expert

Ph.D. Candidate Beza Mamo

Ph.D. Candidate in Software Engineering from AASTU

Ph.D. Candidate Gholamhossein Kazemi

Ph.D. candidate in Applied Information Technology at Kristiania University College

BSc Candidate Kalab Kassa

BSc. candidate in ElectroMechanical Engineering at AASTU
Technical Assistant